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Every weekend, we have started a ritual of making a Latte using our South Indian Filter Kapi apparatus. We obsess over our old stainless steel kapi filter, by washing it well and glazing the filter portion over the stove top briefly. Then we quickly grind our fresh coffee beans, measure three table spoons of coffee powder into the filter, and pour hot boiling water directly into the filter until it fills up to the brim. We don’t have a fancy steamer or a espresso machine. So we spend the next 5-7 minutes creating the foam or the froth in our coffee mugs. Since we use skim milk, creating the froth is slavish, hard labour. Once our coffee liquor, or the di-kok-shun as we call it, is ready to go, we pour it over our milk. Mix in a teaspoon of sugar, and it’s ready!

The last time we did this, I craved for the next step on the Latte ladder. The latte art heart. That creamy, chubby heart – right in the middle of your coffee.

We wanted that.

So we tried this.

But we ended with up with a drizzle of milk over the di-kok-shun. 

But we have the next Saturday coming up soon.